S1301-M primer is a specially formulated 100% volume solids (solvent-less) 2 component epoxy.


S1301-M primer is a specially formulated 100% volume solids (solvent-less) 2 component epoxy.

As an epoxy primer in a 3 layer polyethylene coating system for superior corrosion protection of field welded joints of steel pipes. Can be used with Covalence 3 layer coating systems: HTLP80 (-HP), HTLP60 (-HP), DIRAX, ROCS60E.
For HTLP80, DIRAX, ROCS60E the epoxy primer needs to be applied on the steel surface only. For HTLP80-HP and HTLP60 (-HP) the epoxy needs to be applied onto the steel surface AND onto the 3LPE line coating.
When the line coating is FBE or CTE the epoxy need to be applied on the line coating for all products.

  • Prepare the pipe surface as recommended in the product application guide.
  • Pour hardener into base as per mixing ratio. Stir the mixture for approximately 1 minute to ensure a homogeneous mixture. For twin packs: remove the clip and roll the twin pack for min 1 minute, see detailed application guideline on the twin pack.
  • Carefully apply mixed epoxy primer as indicated in the product application guide